Friday, January 27, 2012

Broad way or narrow one ???

There's a broad way that leads to death and a narrow way that leads to life. The broad path is easy to live on. There are all kind of people in the world on the broad path, then there's also a narrow path and there are not a lot of people that walk in the narrow path but one's that do, they are the world changers. The one's that do, they are living a life that other people want. There's just something about them. It takes discipline.

Whatever you want, give something of it first and then you can have it. There's a way that you can have every single thing that GOD says you can have but it's not just by praying for it, you've got to give something away first. You worried about the economy, don't you dare stop giving; you are worried about losing your job, increase your giving; are you lonely, go be friendly; do you need help, go help somebody; do you need prayer, start praying for people; do you need mercy, start being merciful.

You can have anything that GOD says you can have but you only reap according to what you sow. And that doesn't just work off some time, it works everyday in our life all day long twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, we reap what we sow… 

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