Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to Change Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts

Negative thoughts say we have no ability and we will probably never amount to anything. It is important to discover why you have these thoughts of no power. There are various causes of inferiority feelings and a lot of them came from childhood. Perhaps you were overweight or skinny and kids made fun of you.

Maybe you had a sibling you thought was smarter or better looking or maybe you came from an abusive family. When you find the cause you need to work on reprogramming your thought system. It is not easy to reprogram your thoughts--but it can be done. You need determination to overcome obstacles. Think of a dog when it has a bone. If someone tries to take it away, the dog sinks its teeth into the bone. This is the determination you need to achieve any goal, because you are going to have setbacks along the way. Do not be hard on yourself when you have setbacks.

Negative thoughts have been in your mind for a long time and you are not going to change them in a day. You will need to work on your mind everyday and become aware of your thoughts. Everyone makes mistakes and experiences setbacks. Think of each trial as a learning experience and focus on moving forward. What if you had given up learning to walk because you fell down the first time you stood up? Here are some tips on thinking positive:

Always picture yourself as succeeding--no matter how badly things seem to be.
If negative thoughts come to mind--voice a positive thought to cancel the negative.
Do not inflate difficulties with fear thoughts.
Try prayer power--affirmative prayers release powers by which positive results are accomplished.
Every day write down five things for which you are thankful.

Remember fear only becomes a problem when you receive it and let it control your life--find something positive every day.

Remember it is not what happens to us but what is in us that settles the matter.

Press through the pressure and do not let circumstances dictate peace and joy.

Pay yourself a compliment every day.

Stop thinking and speaking fearful negative thoughts--start believing good things are going to happen. In summary, Remember thoughts are powerful. You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.

Positive thoughts are full of faith and hope--they produce positive lives. Negative thoughts are full of fear and doubt--negative thoughts produce negative lives. With determination we can change our thoughts from negative to positive. We don't have to live a miserable life with negative thoughts. There are a lot of negative thoughts in my mind--I had a difficult childhood and over the past three years there has been one crisis after another. You feel like you are living under a black cloud and you will never see the sun.

My resolution has been to work on improving my thoughts. I hope if you are having problems with negative thoughts, you will decide you don't have to be miserable anymore and you are not alone with this problem.

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